The first reason, it is also the main one, is, of course, health. People who go in for sports (even non-professional athletes) have much better health than those who do not. And it’s not just that: playing sports strengthens the heart, normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the work of all vital systems of the body, and also improves brain activity and slows down the aging process.
The second reason is the good mood provided by sports. After physical exercise, a person almost always feels a surge of strength, even if he is physically tired; his morale is on top, his mental state is excellent, his vitality is maximally activated. It is not for nothing that they say that sport is the best remedy for depression, because it helps to temporarily move away from problems and troubles and look at them from a different angle, and this, among other things, helps to relax the psyche.
The third reason is that sport strengthens self-confidence and strength, increases self-esteem, develops will, makes a person stronger as a person. Indeed, in many cases, training is closely interconnected with overcoming one’s weaknesses, working to the limit of one’s capabilities, reassessing one’s values and many other things that temper a person’s character.
The fourth reason is rather commonplace, but, nevertheless, very important – it is the saturation of the body with oxygen. During the performance of various kinds of exercises, the human body begins to consume more oxygen, thereby saturating all its cells with it. And this improves blood circulation and the work of capillaries, and also has an extremely beneficial effect on reactions, reflexes and muscle work.
The fifth reason is one of the most pleasant, because it is directly related to a person’s appearance. If you search for information, for example, on the Internet, you can find countless examples when people radically changed their appearance: pumped up muscles, from eternal “skeletons” and fat men became people with an amazing figure. For many, this is the most powerful motivation. In addition, a beautiful body is also a sexy body, which also cannot but rejoice, because success with the opposite sex is 100% guaranteed. But. Of course, we must not forget about personal and spiritual growth.
The sixth reason is sleep normalization. Systematic sports activities ensure healthy sleep, thereby stimulating the body’s production of endorphins, which release a person from nervous tension and stress, prevent the onset of depression and insomnia.
The seventh reason was already briefly mentioned by us when we talked about weight. Exercise is a great way to control your appetite, among other things. Here again, it should be said about endorphins, tk. they serve as a kind of fuse, blocking the feeling of hunger at unnecessary moments, and activating it only when the body really needs recharging. So it turns out that, while playing sports, a person ceases to both malnourish and abuse food.
The eighth reason is that sport is a way to combat chronic fatigue, increase stress tolerance, increase vitality and maintain great well-being. By going to the gym, going to workouts, jogging, a person makes himself stronger in front of the influence of external circumstances and the pressure of everyday life. Every day becomes filled with incentives and the desire to achieve goals, boldly walking through life.
The ninth reason implies a quick recovery of the body after various kinds of injuries, serious illnesses, operations, etc. And the interesting thing is that it works in all cases, i.e. It doesn’t matter if sports were preceded by any health problems or health problems preceded sports – the positive impact of sports will always be visible, because the body becomes many times stronger than it was before.
And as the tenth reason, you can name the way of life in general. Going in for sports, a person can drastically change himself, his personality and his life. And there is a huge amount of evidence for this. Sport can even be called a kind of therapy, because many people to whom their life seemed like a dark tunnel, at the end of which there was no light, after several months of training began to notice the long-awaited light, and over time they generally came to harmony and happiness. In addition, sports can help you get rid of bad habits, change your social circle, find new friends and even find a life partner. Whatever one may say, sports can only be characterized by positive qualities. This is perhaps one of the few things about which nothing bad can be said.