1. You wash your hair often. Frequent shampooing at any time of the year is bad for the condition of the hair. In cold weather, we constantly wear hats, limiting the flow of oxygen to the scalp. Thus, the hair grows oily faster. We advise you to limit the use of shampoo to 3 times a week. If, however, there is a need for frequent washing, use dry shampoo.
2. You let your hair get wet. There are many myths that when we tuck our hair behind the collar of a sweater (which, by the way, looks very trendy) or hide it under our outerwear, this provokes mechanical damage to the hair and cut the ends. However, experts say that this trick is great for the cold season, because this way you protect your hair from temperature extremes. And to prevent splitting, use oil on the ends of your hair.
3. You succumb to the autumn depression. We often experience stress due to the abrupt change of seasons. The same goes for hair. It is in September that hair tends to fall out. To begin with, let us remind you that losing 50-100 hairs per day is the norm, not a reason to panic. Secondly, autumn hair loss is a natural phenomenon. The female sex hormone estrogen is to blame for this, or rather, a sharp decrease in its level in the blood. Therefore, we remain calm, continue regular grooming, and eat well.
4. You styling too often. In the fall, you should stop frequently subjecting your hair to thermal torture. Temperatures above 130 degrees are considered critical for the hair shaft. Let your hair dry on its own without a hair dryer. If you still have to do styling, use thermal protection, and then grease the ends with oil.
5. You neglect hydration. Due to the cold and wind in autumn, hair dries out quickly. Therefore, it is worth regularly making masks for both hair and scalp. Honey masks are especially helpful. For the roots, use extracts of chamomile, aloe, and it will not be superfluous to wash your hair with herbal decoction.