If you want to have good skin, include in your diet one product that you need to eat for breakfast every day. A healthy proportion of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in our large intestine is 80-100%. If their content is less than 80%, the condition of the intestine is called dysbacteriosis. And if there is any infection due to the lack of such bacteria, this condition is called chronic intestinal infection. The matter is complicated by the fact that no drug can kill some groups of bacteria and keep alive other good bacteria. Therefore, the only effective way to influence the growth of bifido- and lactogroups is to enter them into the large intestine and regular “feeding”.
Probiotics are a good way to deal with stress, anxiety, depression. In addition, they are able to improve brain function. These substances not only promote good digestion, but are also involved in the transport of neurochemicals such as serotonin, dopamine and nerve growth hormone. They are all needed for the brain to work effectively.
Greek yogurt is a valuable source of protein that is welcome in any diet. Especially if the product is made from sheep’s or goat’s milk, which is better absorbed by the body. It is rich in calcium, which strengthens bones and speeds up metabolism, as well as stabilizes blood glucose levels. Perfectly satisfies and relieves hunger, is a dietary product. Beneficial bacteria in its composition have a beneficial effect on the immune system, promote digestion, normalize the stomach.
Eat Greek yogurt with a slice of mango or your favorite berries for breakfast as a dessert, and you will have enough energy for the whole day, and you will want much less sweet.