Hard training and proper nutrition are not enough to get the body of your dreams! The secret is that fitness bloggers from time to time carry out the procedure for drying the body. Drying muscles is a laborious process. Its main goal is to improve muscle definition by reducing subcutaneous fat. During the drying period, the strictest protein diet is followed. And not an ounce of chocolate! A list of allowed foods to help those wishing to dry will be useful when chicken breast, hummus, protein bars without sugar and cottage cheese will become completely unbearable.
The French call this leafy vegetable the king, and for good reason. There is a lot of protein in spinach leaves: only legumes (young beans and green peas) contain more of it. In addition, such a rich composition of vitamins and minerals, as in spinach, is quite rare, so its benefits in the daily menu are invaluable. Moreover, its energy value is extremely low – only 23 calories per 100 g of product. Ideal for drying!
Tofu is a favorite of vegans and bodybuilders. Still would! After all, it is the ideal combination of high amounts of protein, calcium and amino acids with a low content of carbohydrates. It can be added to salads or cooked separately, having previously marinated by analogy with meat and fried a little. Tofu is able to protect the body from heart disease, in addition, it removes toxins, and the presence of isoflavones helps to normalize blood pressure.
Seafood products are a storehouse of the most essential substances for those who want to dry out. They are abundant in vitamin D, polyunsaturated fatty acids, iodine, copper and zinc. Seafood is healthier than any dietary meat and is low in calories. So, in squid, shrimp, mussels only about 70-85 kcal, and they practically do not contain fat (only from 0.3 to 3 g per 100 g). However, it is important that with an extremely low calorie content, seafood is very satisfying and allows you to forget about the feeling of hunger for a long time. The perfect dinner after a grueling workout!
This vegetable is unique in its composition and has no analogues. Celery helps you manage excess weight, while making this process incredibly effective. Composed primarily of water, celery is completely free of carbohydrates. The amount of carbohydrates in one stem is only 1 gram! It also goes well with many foods, but it can be consumed alone or as a juice.
In addition to the fact that one medium-sized zucchini contains only 7 g of carbohydrates, this product is still ideal for preparing a huge number of mouth-watering dishes. This vegetable can boast not only a low carbohydrate content, but also an excellent set of nutrients and vitamins. Potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, vitamins B and C – and this is not a complete list!
Turkey meat is ideal for those on a diet of almost any severity level. Turkey is an excellent source of protein that has an extremely positive effect on muscle growth, aided by its amino acid content. During the drying period, it is preferable to use white meat for preparing tasty and healthy dishes.
Apricot will help to increase efficiency and replenish the reserve of strength, which is important for those who train steadily. The beta-carotene contained in apricot has the magical property of preventing heart disease and even preventing the formation of cancerous tumors. And the amount of carbohydrates is quite low – only 8 g per 2 fruits.
When, if not during drying, should you lean on mushrooms? They can be used to make low-carb, but hearty, delicious meals. They can be used as a filling for a hamburger or pizza, as well as for preparing a vegetable stew. The modest carbohydrate content (only 2 g per 100 g of product) puts mushrooms in a place of honor on the menu of everyone who wants to dry out.
As in the case of apricots, strawberries contain very little sugar: 11 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of berries. An excellent indicator! You can safely add strawberries to boring cottage cheese and get a delicious dessert.
In a study conducted by specialists from the Scripps Clinic in San Diego, it was found that people who ate half a grapefruit a day (following a standard diet) lost an average of 2 kg over 12 weeks. Obviously, the reason for this is the content of naringin in grapefruit, a plant flavonoid that prevents the accumulation of fat reserves. Can be adopted not only during the drying period!
Despite the fact that many fitness bloggers glorify drying, it must be remembered that all doctors are categorically opposed to regular drying of the body. In fact, this procedure is a carbohydrate fast, and all experts unanimously argue that such an unbalanced diet for several weeks is a serious stress for the body. Therefore, it is advisable to resort to it no more than once a year.