Physically change your mindset
There is a great saying that “the mind that created the problem cannot solve it.” So if you feel anxious, get up and go for a walk. If you have insomnia due to anxiety, get out of bed and do something: write a gratitude journal or write a mini to-do list or a letter to your loved one. You need to take action that activates the rational part, and after that, anxiety will gradually come down to a minimum.
Be your best friend
There is one simple but very effective technique that works at a time when the unknown is frightening, and the solution to the situation, it would seem, does not exist. You need to ask yourself, “If a friend were worried about this, what advice would I give them?” After this elementary question, you will no longer get lost in emotions. On the contrary, with its help you have launched the rational side of your brain and successfully find a solution.
Don’t sleep with problems
If you have unfinished business that continues to haunt your mind – like a morning fight with your best friend, don’t go to bed with them. Instead, open your laptop and write her an email detailing how you feel. However, there is an important point: do not click “send”. This practice helps eliminate anger and make it easier to fall asleep.
Take time to worry
This story happens to everyone: you replay in your head a big quarrel with the man you love, or an important interview question that you answered “wrong”. In such a case, schedule time to focus on that worry. Literally: write in your organizer that at 17:00 you take the time to worry about it. I assure you that when that time comes, there will most likely be no more worries about it.
Check reality
In case of severe anxiety, use the question, which will help you move from being immersed in drama to being an outside observer. Just ask yourself, “Can I be 100 percent sure that this is really worth worrying about?” The most common answer would be, “Probably not.”
Let your brain relax before bed
The brain must process all the events of the past day while you sleep. Therefore, if you are dissatisfied with your partner’s behavior, discuss it early in the evening so that it does not remain “hanging” in the brain as an unresolved task that will not allow you to fall asleep deeply and get quality rest. Also, be strict about the basic rules that we all regularly break: don’t check work chats and emails before bed, for example. These actions activate the brain too much, as well as submit information about unfinished business that requires immediate resolution.
Recognize that anxiety can be helpful
Even though anxiety has a bad reputation, it also indicates that you are deeply feeling and are a sensitive, creative person. We usually think that anxiety is out of our control, but this is actually not the case – it also activates the hormonal system in such a way that it helps to solve complex tasks faster.