Working out in the gym, in no case should you forget to train your back, because strong muscles in this area are, first of all, correct posture. In addition, without well-developed back muscles, it is extremely difficult to fully train the legs and buttocks. The less stress falls on this part of your body in the gym, the higher the risk of damaging it in everyday life.
Starting position: hanging on the bar, grip slightly wider than the shoulders, back straight (keeping the anatomically correct spine curves).
Technique: lean back slightly. Smoothly rise up, connecting the shoulder blades and lowering the shoulder girdle down. Pull up on top of your chest to the bar, then return to the starting position.
Frontal row in the simulator
Starting position: sitting on the simulator, feet in a stable position on the platform, back straight, simulator handles in straight arms.
Technique of execution: the movement should begin with bringing and lowering the shoulder blades. At the end point of the amplitude, the angle at the elbow joint should be approximately 90 degrees. Perform the movement at a controlled pace.
Block vertical thrust
Starting position: sitting in the simulator. The feet are in a stable position, the back is straight, the grip is slightly wider than the shoulder joints.
Technique of execution: start the movement with lowering and bringing the shoulder blades. At the end point of the amplitudes, the forearms should be close to perpendicular to the floor (in line with the machine cable). The handle should be pulled to the top of the chest. The movement should be performed at a controlled pace (exclude inertia and collision of blocks).
Pullover in crossover with rope standing in a slope
Starting position: standing in a slope (along the cable). The feet are in a stable position, the back is straight, the arms are straightened at the elbow joints.
Technique of execution: on exhalation, start the movement by lowering the shoulder blades and shoulder girdle. Eliminate movement in the elbow joints. The end point of the amplitude should be approximately at hip level. During movement, the elbows are turned towards the feet. It is imperative to control the correct curves of the spine.
Side bends with an outstretched arm
Starting position: put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, straighten your back, raise one hand up. The other should be lowered down or placed on the thigh.
Technique: stretch your hand up. Continuing to reach, lean towards the opposite hand. Hold the position for 10-15 seconds, breathe evenly. Return slowly to the starting position.