The head should be washed with comfortable hot water. In order to thoroughly wash the scalp, cold water is not enough, because the secret of the sebaceous and sweat glands is quite fat, dense, thick, so we will not completely wash it with cold water. At the same time, in the end, we may well make a contrast shower for the scalp. First, we dilated the vessels with hot water, due to which the flow of blood to the hair follicles occurs, then we washed it with cold water, rinsed it – that is, caused a spasm. Thus, we worked the entire vascular system of the hair follicles on the head. And this is very useful.
Hair should be washed as needed. Because in fact, the rule of many people that the less often you wash your head, the less it will get greasy, is a myth.
We need to help our skin release and eliminate toxins. And when we rarely wash our hair in an attempt to help it be less oily, we create a beneficial environment for the growth of bacteria that cause seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff.
An important point to consider after shampooing is to avoid rubbing your hair too hard with a towel. Such manipulations violate the structure of the strands, leave micro creases on them and, as a result of frequent repetitions, can lead to brittle hair. After shampooing, all you need to do is allow the water from your curls to drain into the tub, squeeze it lightly with your hands, blot your hair with a towel and leave it alone to dry on its own.