Dermato-trichologist, cosmetologist, founder of Derm Space Clinic talks about the most common causes of hair loss.
Hair loss is a natural process that occurs constantly and regularly in everyone and is associated with the phases of hair growth: anagen, catagen, telogen.
If hair loss begins to exceed the allowable amount, it is safe to say that the body has failed. The reasons for this phenomenon can be many: from a single severe stress to latent and / or chronic diseases.
The most common causes of hair loss
1. Chronic or acute short-term stress.
Stress is one of the most dangerous triggers for health. It can trigger autoimmune processes that are sometimes not only difficult to reverse, but also easy to localize. Hair loss is a consequence that most often occurs 2-4 months after a stressful situation.
I want to remind you that stress is not just negative emotions.
Stress for the body is everything that creates an imbalance: fatigue, lack of sleep, unbalanced diet, any experiences, change of work / study, dissatisfaction with yourself, unhealthy relationships with loved ones, family or colleagues and even a strong joyful shock, long and acute inflammation and disease, fever.
2. Hormonal imbalance: during puberty, after childbirth, during menopause, due to the refusal of oral contraceptives.
3. Deficiency / excess of trace elements in the body.
4. Some endocrine and chronic diseases.
5. Anemia.
6. Influence of temperatures – refusal to wear hats in the cold (it is necessary to wear a hat at temperatures below +5 ° C, frequent drying of hair with a hair dryer with hot air, regular use of styling devices.
7. Long-term use of a certain group of drugs – antidepressants, hormonal pills, laxatives, diuretics and others.
8. Frequent chemical perms, the use of aggressive hair dyes.
9. Improperly selected home care.