Today, even ardent fans of tanning abandon it in favor of snow-white, as if translucent, skin. This effect can be achieved using homemade masks or special products for this purpose, which are created by beauty manufacturers. You choose!
If you decide to use a homemade mask, remember the main whitening products that will make your skin clearer, brighter, more radiant complexion, and a uniform tone after just a few uses. However, you should not expect them to cope with more serious problems such as pigmentation.
Here’s the list: lemon, cucumber, honey, tomato, strawberry, turmeric, parsley, papaya.
Today we are preparing a moisturizing cucumber mask. It will come in handy to quickly restore the moisture balance of the skin or eliminate the effects of sunburn if you have violated the rules of tanning.
For a cucumber mask you will need:
1/4 grated cucumber
2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel or juice
Making cucumber mask:
Mix the ingredients, refrigerate the mixture for 15 minutes, and then apply to face, neck and décolleté. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash off with cool water.