We cannot hide our joy, because now you can eat chocolate and benefit your health.
Yes Yes Yes! It happened! Scientists have conducted extensive research that has proven that chocolate benefits our health. Chocolate tastes good thanks to a combination of mood-enhancing substances including caffeine, theobromine, tyrosine and tryptophan.
It is important to choose dark chocolate that is high in cocoa because it has more health benefits than milk chocolate and has less fat and more antioxidants, which is good for your figure.
1. Chocolate improves mood and general well-being
The taste, smell and texture of chocolate have a beneficial effect on the areas of the brain. Chocolate also contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid that stimulates the production of serotonin, a natural antidepressant. Experts equate the feelings that it evokes with those that we experience when we fall in love. It’s not for nothing that we seize stress with chocolate – this is a natural reaction of the body to obtain the necessary substance in an emergency.
2. Chocolate supports cardiovascular health
Eating chocolate can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of stroke, and have anti-inflammatory effects. Seitanna Cooper says this is due to the high content of chemicals called flavonoids in chocolate.
Flavonoids also stimulate the body to produce more nitric oxide, which helps dilate and relax blood vessels, and as a result, lowers blood pressure.
3. Chocolate prevents thrombosis
The flavonoids mentioned above also help stop the oxidation of LDL, or “bad” cholesterol, which prevents blood clots from forming in the arteries. Flavonoids contain over 50% of a saturated fat called stearic acid, which is present in cocoa butter, which does not raise cholesterol levels and can even increase blood “good” cholesterol levels.
4. Chocolate soothes coughing attacks
Theobromine is a chemical found in chocolate. It suppresses coughing fits by acting on the vagus nerve, which carries messages from the central nervous system to the brain, according to research. Thus, by eating a couple of squares of dark chocolate, you can soothe a night cough or asthma attacks.
5. Chocolate promotes brain function
A chemical called epicatechin, found in cocoa and green tea, can also help protect the brain from the formation of sticky proteins or amyloid bodies that develop in Alzheimer’s.
We all know that too much sugary or fatty foods can contribute to obesity and other health problems, but the good news for chocolate lovers is that a small amount may also have some health benefits. So there is no need to feel guilty about sometimes craving chocolate.
6. Chocolate helps fight diabetes
Surprising but true! Chocolate has the ability to stimulate the functioning of the endothelium (the cells that form the inner layer of blood vessels) and increases the body’s insulin sensitivity. Insulin values are usually used to determine the presence of diabetes mellitus. So a couple of dark chocolate chunks a day will definitely do the trick.
7. Chocolate is essential during pregnancy
This sweet product has a beneficial effect on our blood vessels, therefore it is included in the diet when it is necessary to maintain the health of the vascular system. Often, during pregnancy, a problem arises such as the risk of developing preelampasia, that is, the process of complications or stopping the blood supply to the fetus. This is influenced by internal blood pressure, so doctors recommend that pregnant women eat chocolate to keep their pulse and blood pressure under control.
8. Chocolate protects against UV rays
The amount of flavonoids found in natural 86% dark chocolate can create a protective barrier for the skin that blocks out ultraviolet light. It should be noted that this effect will only be achieved if chocolate with a maximum cocoa content is used.
Which chocolate is the best?
In general, the darker the chocolate (it must contain at least 70% cocoa), the higher the flavonoid content. Flavonoids are found in foods such as broccoli, onions, fruits, and tea. They can help protect people from certain types of cancer and heart disease.
You will most likely get more of this in dark chocolate, cocoa, or chocolate liqueur. Milk chocolate has very few flavonoids, while white chocolate has none at all.
Do not forget that excessive consumption of chocolate can lead to negative consequences. Chocolate is a high-calorie product, from which it is easy to become overweight, and can also cause problems with the cardiovascular system. Especially, you should avoid white chocolate, which contains no healthy cocoa at all.
It is also worth carefully studying what the sweet dessert is made of, in addition to cocoa, it may contain emulsifiers and flavors, which also negatively affect our body.