You can dream a lot about how you will become rich, successful and famous. And you can already start to follow the rules of famous businessmen, which they follow on a daily basis. We have collected the most useful habits of those who have long made their dreams come true. Take on arms!
Go to bed early and get up early. Take Tim Cook, CEO of Apple. This person gets up at 3:45 a.m. every morning, picks up their email, and goes out for a run. Why is he doing this? Everything is simple here: to do more! In the morning, all tasks are completed faster, even if you consider yourself an “owl” all your life. It is very difficult to accustom yourself to get up early, but in this case the main thing is not to give up and go to bed on time.
Conduct the test “Time check”. When we find ourselves in a stressful situation, we all tend to panic. The feeling that “everything is lost” has probably appeared more than once in you. For example, when you make a mistake at work. But what happened after that? Chances are, thanks to that incident, you became more circumspect. So the next time you fail, ask yourself the question: Will it matter in 10 years, 10 months, 10 days? Most likely the answer is no.
Make a plan for the day. Having a clear schedule will help you stay on top of things and stay on time. This will save you tons of time and stop missing deadlines. But before you start planning, calculate how much time you spend on the road, traffic jams, and getting ready for work. And don’t forget to fit your meals into your schedule!
Thank yourself. Every day we make mistakes for which we then cannot forgive ourselves. Lying in bed in the evening, we reproach ourselves and replay the situation in our head over and over again. But instead, you can, on the contrary, thank yourself for your day. After all, you probably have something to praise yourself for. For a task well done, for not breaking down during a tense conversation, for exercising in the morning, for becoming wiser and more experienced. Try to find three reasons to be grateful to yourself every day so that you feel more confident and fall asleep faster.
Meditate before bed. Another good way to sleep well and not go over millions of scenarios in your head. Meditation can help calm and order thoughts, relieve stress, and increase productivity the next day. Meghan Markle, for example, meditates regularly to deal with the stress she constantly faces.