In her book The Aha Factor: How to Use Your Intuition To Get What You Desire and Deserve, author Mariana M. Cooper provides five simple tips how easy and simple at home you can relieve stress and relax.
A short meditation. Agree, those who have time for daily meditation do not know what stress is at all. But the book is not talking about yoga, but about the usual shutdown of the thought process for at least 1 minute. To do this, you must close your eyes, “turn off” all thoughts (even if they are positive) and listen to your breathing. Mariana M. Cooper argues that this simple meditation practice is enough to calm your nerves and even make your brain think creatively.
Set the table. Yes, you read that right. To calm the nerves, according to the author, it is enough to eat not at the workplace, but at a specially set table. Proper serving creates a sense of celebration, coziness and comfort. And this is exactly what our shattered nervous system needs. At the same time, remember that only well-prepared food should be served on the table – no fast food and semi-finished products!
Go outside. Of course, jogging in the open air helps to organize your thoughts and tone your body, but in stressful situations and with anxiety attacks, you should still take your usual 15-minute walk in the fresh air. Try doing these hikes every day to recharge your energy and reboot your brain. By the way, it is better to choose places near water bodies. The sound of bubbling water will enhance the relaxing effect.
Turn on creativity. To relax and feel small again, Cooper advises to acquire the usual childhood hobbies. Pencils, coloring books (there are even for adults), plasticine – you will be surprised how it relaxes and helps to gush with ideas in the future.
Pay attention to the setting. The details that surround you, and the atmosphere in which you are, also affect your inner state. Therefore, Mariana M. Cooper advises taking care of the right interior. And if repairs can only shake your already weak nerves, then such small details as a scented candle or a fresh bouquet of flowers, on the contrary, will put them in order.