It is easy to identify a list of things that provoke stress – an unfavorable work environment, financial problems or health problems, and these are just some of them. But it is so easy for some of us to ignore the symptoms of stress, mainly because this condition can manifest in so many ways. According to the Stress Management Society, stress can be physical, cognitive, emotional or behavioral. If you feel depressed, here are some signals from your body that you should pay attention to.
Physical signals
The American Institute for Stress names headaches, heartburn, weakened immune system, abdominal pain, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, rapid heartbeat, fertility problems, erectile dysfunction, low libido, delayed menstruation, changes in appetite and stress. as some of the ways stress affects the body. Do you think that you have a headache or neck because you sit at the computer all day? In fact, these symptoms may be related to stress.
Cognitive abilities
According to the Stress Management Society, stress also affects cognitive function. In the short term, you may notice that you have problems with memory or concentration, fog in your head, self-doubt, and indecision — or you may be starting a task but not completing it. Although these symptoms may seem ambiguous, they are worth noting to understand how often you feel that your cognitive abilities are suffering.
Changes in the emotional background
Depression, moodiness, irritability, fatalism, panic, cynicism, anxiety, frustration and burnout are all possible signs of stress. Although it is normal to experience these emotional downturns from time to time, but if they last for a long period of five days or more, it is probably related to stress, says the Stress Management Society.
Behavioral changes
The Stress Management Society also notes that behavioral changes due to stress can occur due to excessive consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine, social isolation, excess sleep or lack of sleep, lack of motivation, overeating or starvation, and loss of sense of humor.
What to do with stress?
Due to the fact that stress can affect the body, we recommend going for a massage to reduce cortisol levels and at the same time increase the feeling of self-care. Sometimes, when we are under a lot of stress, especially for a long time, our ability to think clearly and deal with stressors is actually reduced. Therefore, if you are in a state of severe stress, first ask a friend, family member or therapist to analyze stressors with you to make sure that your fatigue, sadness or frustration does not cause a chain reaction, jeopardizing your approach to prevention. stressor management.
For those who are struggling with stress and ready to try a professional approach, a therapist may be the next best step. Psychologists have extensive experience working with stressors, as well as a deep understanding of how cognitive and personality factors can influence the choice of the best approach to help a person cope with stress.