To find a job, it is important to use all available resources and tools, of which there are a lot in the modern world, and all of them can be useful even in a foreign country. To begin with, you need to decide which type of employment is really needed: temporary part-time work, remote work, unskilled labor or a position of a specialist with permanent employment – depending on the goal, you can use different job search tools.
Recruitment agencies
Of course, it is best to leave a resume with those organizations that the employer pays for the selection of good personnel. But there are a huge number of recruiting companies, whose services are paid by the client-applicant. When contacting such agencies, it is worth choosing those in which payment for services occurs only upon receipt of work with their help. In addition, the recruiting agency must be licensed to provide employment services.
Before concluding an agreement with an agency, you should definitely find out all the conditions in advance: what services the agency is ready to provide, for what fee and in what time frame, as well as a refund if the agency does not fulfill its obligations. All this information must necessarily be spelled out in the contract.
If the company turns out to be dishonest and the fact of fraud is obvious in its work, you can contact the State Consumer Protection Office.
Where to look for work in the USA: social networks
In the United States, Linkedin is a very popular resource, which was created specifically for establishing business contacts. When it comes to searching for a candidate for a particular position, an American recruiter always turns to this site. On this social network, there are communities where you can find vacancies that provide for an H-1B visa.
Employment services
To find a job, you can contact public agencies that help immigrants with employment and provide vocational training programs. You can also contact the state or local area employment department.
Job Sites
Job websites remain one of the most convenient ways to find jobs. The most popular and reaching a huge audience in the United States resources:
usajobs.gov is a federal job search and internship site for students and alumni. Many of the proposals include good scholarships, continuing education programs and more.
help.usajobs.gov – vacancies for people with disabilities.
Remote work and part-time jobs
freelancer.com is the largest resource that has gathered several million freelancers from all over the world.
Freelancehunt.com – offers for journalists, programmers, designers.
upwork.com is a large international portal where you can find orders for remote execution of a wide range of services.
careerbuilder.com – Job vacancies for remote work.