1. Slow food
Eat slowly to fill up faster. The fact is that the brain receives a signal from the satiety hormone with a delay of about 20 minutes. If you swallow a portion quickly, he will not have time to understand that it is already enough, and will demand that you order more coffee and a croissant. If you eat slowly until you feel that your stomach is 80% full, and not 100% full, then you will save time and not overeat. And you will spend the rest of the day more cheerful – without lethargy from a full stomach.
Choose “slow” food. That is, complete meals that include protein-rich meals, whole grains, herbs and vegetables, seeds and nuts. Three such meals a day are recommended. But snacks with “quick” snacks are best minimized. They take up time and cause constant surges in the hormone insulin that lead to excess weight.
2. Anti-stress minutes
The stress hormone cortisol directly affects how much you do during the day. If cortisol is constantly released, the body’s resources are worn out. As a result, depression and fatigue become companions in all matters. Then you will have to forget about productivity.
To keep cortisol in check, do your anti-stress practice for at least a few minutes every day. Meditation, warm baths, yoga complexes, breathing practices, walking, reading books and even playing with a cat help to cope with excess stress. Choose what works for you and start practicing.
Healthy anti-stress habits can help you keep your weight in check. When cortisol is normal, there is no desire to seize negative emotions with an extra piece of cake.
3. Early lights out
For your productivity, it is not only the quantity but also the quality of your sleep that matters. It is recommended that you sleep about seven hours, but these seven hours can be completely different. Sleeping from 23:00 to 6:00 is different from sleeping from 3:00 to 10:00. Some body systems recover only from 23:00 to 24:00, so it is so important to fall asleep early so that you can easily get up in the morning and be full of energy during the day.
And of course, it’s best to do whatever you can to improve the quality of your sleep. Turning off gadgets a couple of hours before lights out, a walk before bedtime, a quiet and dark room will help. If your house is near a roadway and bright billboards, it is better to use earplugs and an eye mask. And don’t forget to ventilate the room. The optimum temperature for sleeping is 19 ° C.
4. Short workouts
The effect of training depends on whether your body can adapt to it or not. Studies show that if you exercise intensively for more than an hour, the body starts screaming “stop” and cannot cope with the load. Too much stress for him, which means that there will be no benefit or energy for other things.
It is better to choose short but effective sessions. “Effective” means a varied, regular exercise that engages the entire body and develops different qualities: endurance, strength, flexibility. When the stages of work and rest are calculated by the timer, then 45 minutes is enough for an effective lesson.
If after training there is no strength to reach the locker room, this is overkill. If you feel a surge of strength and a desire to move mountains – that is what you need.
5. Measurement of body composition
How do you know if you are investing your time in training or wasting it? Subjectively, your reflection in the mirror will answer the question, objectively – the measurement of body composition. The composition is checked during fitness testing on a special analyzer scale that shows the amount of muscle, adipose, bone tissue, as well as water in your body.
If the fat grows and the amount of muscle decreases, your program needs to be changed. If the excess fat decreases, and the muscles become a little more, you are on the right track. Although the right path will definitely affect your well-being. If you feel that there is more energy, and it is as if the 25th hour has appeared in the day, then everything is fine with your good habits!