Situations are different, and it can really happen that you are unlucky with the environment. When I myself was in the occupation, I was surrounded by quite disturbing people. They constantly aggravated the situation and said that it would not end in anything good.
85% of catastrophizing and predictions do not come true. When we are anxious or depressed, negative events are perceived very painfully. There may be a feeling that bad options are the only ones that can happen. If you think about the color red, then for some time you will notice this color everywhere.
Build immunity. It is usually recommended to avoid unpleasant people, but let’s assume that in a certain situation this is impossible. Learn not to go to provocations, do not bring yourself to be emotional in communication, do not respond to manipulations with manipulations, outline boundaries: what can be discussed with you and what cannot. A clear and strong position will be your defense.
Save the criticism. Most of what you hear from others are just their opinions or assumptions. If it is not verified information or news, then do not pay attention. These things are simply not worth the stability of your psychological state.
Control your thoughts. If there are depressed people everywhere, then it is quite easy to adopt their position and start seeing the world through dark glasses. However, you can take some of your rational thoughts as a foundation and build on them. For example: “I will not create a disaster ahead of time and think that only bad things can happen, because the future is unknown to me”, “Yes, indeed, there is a certain probability of negative events, but the situation can also be resolved positively.”
Keep in touch with loved ones. Most likely, you will have the opportunity to periodically contact people dear to you. Focus on these moments. Discuss pleasant events, plan life, enjoy this communication.
Focus on yourself. Take care of your psychological state. In an airplane, when a critical situation arises, the oxygen masks are lowered, and the instructions say: “Put the mask on yourself first, then on the child.” Only when you help yourself first, you can help others by setting others around you to reality. Not on negativity or positivity, but on reality, where there are certain probabilities, risks, but everything is not so tragic.
People who are desperate need help and support themselves. Most likely, they have given up or certain events have happened in their lives that knock them off their feet. The psyche cannot cope with great stress, and a person gives up. If, for example, your friends are grieving, you are unlikely to be very positive. It makes sense to talk to these people, listen, help at least through communication and show an alternative vision.
People who are difficult to communicate also hurt inside. “Difficult character” is about a personality disorder, so such people are conflicted. Little can change them. However, they are what they are. And most of them also suffer from themselves. This in no way excuses them, but keep that in mind.
Sometimes we have to be in unpleasant conditions. However, everything passes. And to your efforts to improve the situation. At least you can avoid increasing the toxicity of the environment.