Detox smoothie is one of the fastest and easiest options for cleansing the body, losing weight at home and feeling great. Mix a few ingredients in a blender bowl, whisk for a minute – and a healthy cleansing breakfast, lunch or dinner is ready. Most importantly, when making a detox smoothie, keep in mind the important antioxidant products that can quickly remove toxins and toxins from the body, as well as stimulate digestion – such as lemon, lime and spinach.
Green detox smoothie
For cooking you need:
100 g of kale (or half with spinach);
1 green apple;
1/2 fennel tuber;
1 tsp ginger;
1/2 stalk of celery;
1 tbsp. honey.
Peel all the ingredients, chop and beat in a blender for 1 minute. Green juices are rich in vitamins and fiber, and celery and fennel are powerful blood-purifying products that remove harmful substances.
Hearty smoothie for breakfast
For cooking you need:
1 carrot;
1 mango;
mint, tarragon and green basil;
1 tsp olive oil.
Peel a carrot and mango, mix with the herbs and beat in a blender until puree. Orange vegetables and fruits are rich in provitamin A. It has a positive effect not only on vision: fat-soluble beta-carotene is one of the strongest antioxidants, which prevents heart disease, malignant neoplasms, promotes normal metabolism.
Green detox smoothie according to Blake Lively’s recipe
This detox smoothie is perfect for both breakfast and an afternoon snack in the office.
For cooking you need:
1 cup cabbage;
2 chard leaves (beet leaves);
1/2 cup parsley;
1/2 small beet;
1/2 cup pineapple;
2 medium sized green apples;
1 sprig of fresh mint;
1/2 lemon.
Preparation of detox smoothie:
1. Pre-peeled beets, pineapple and apple puree in a blender.
2. Squeeze the lemon juice
3. Add cabbage, chard, parsley and beat in a blender until smooth
4. Pour the smoothie into a glass, add mint. If desired, add honey. Detox smoothie is ready!