Are there swelling or rashes for no reason? Perhaps the skin is reacting to stress. Experts tell you how to prevent it
How to understand that the cause of rashes is stress?
The nervous state affects all systems of the body, including the skin. Long-term stress is a risk factor: it provokes premature aging, wrinkles, and ptosis. This is because during stress, magnesium stores are reduced, and critically small amounts of collagen are produced.
We usually know what the normal state of our skin is and what causes problems: heating, changing seasons, wind, cold. The process of lipid production in the skin is disrupted, which means that the natural protective layer suffers. If there is a rash, redness, dark circles under the eyes, dryness, cracks in the corners of the mouth – this may indicate a skin reaction to stress. High levels of cortisol inhibit the natural process of collagen synthesis, which is responsible for the elasticity, tone and youth of the skin. This is the cause of wrinkles and creases. The vessels also react sharply to stress – there is a spasm or rare rushes of blood to the surface of the skin. The result is increased sensitivity. Hormonal imbalances due to stress (often due to excess androgens in women) also cause rashes. The final cause of the problems can be understood after consulting a dermatologist and taking tests.
By relieving stress, can you instantly improve your skin?
“There are quite a few reasons that cause skin problems, and stress is only one of them,” says dietitian.
Nutritionist shares the same position. “The skin is the” last resort “: when everything is completely bad in the body, it reacts to problems one of the last. Therefore, an integrated approach is required. If you remove stress, but continue to lean on sweets or dairy products, skin problems will not disappear. The microflora will remain the same. ”
I want to seize stress. How to proceed?
Here it is important to understand what kind of emotions you want to seize. You need to work with them, not with food. If the stress is chronic, it is best to see a psychotherapist. Nutritionist advises a solution if you can’t cope with your appetite: make a large vegetable salad and enjoy it.
Nutritionist says that it is important to have breakfast – it helps to reduce the level of cortisol; eat three times a day at the same time without snacks; exclude simple carbohydrates; follow the norm of water – 30-40 ml per kg of its own weight; remove energy drinks, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, because the nervous system is already overexcited. Getting enough sleep is especially important; in a stressful period, it is important to go to bed before 10 pm. And, of course, it would be nice to find a good beautician.
What foods are needed to prevent and manage stress?
First of all, these are antioxidant products: beans, fruits (apples, cherries, plums), berries (cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries), nuts (walnuts, pecans, Brazil nuts), vegetables (cabbage, spinach, beets, broccoli), spices (turmeric, ginger); foods with B vitamins: whole grain bread, meat, buckwheat; foods with vitamins of group C: black currant, citrus fruits; cholesterol foods: eggs, meat, fish; foods high in magnesium: cereals and legumes, leafy vegetables, berries, nuts, fish; herbal teas.
Nutritionist adds that no matter how many foods with magnesium are in the diet, supplements will not hurt. All medications must be taken individually as recommended by a doctor. Eating quality proteins and fats in your diet, she says, will help you feel full and avoid hunger, especially in the evening. Add saturated and unsaturated fats (avocados, olive oil, caviar, wild fish, olives, nuts) to your diet. “These foods are important for the female hormonal system and also reduce the level of cortisol, the main stress hormone.”
The team of assistants includes good sleep, sports, meditation and fresh air. Experts point out that there are no 100% miracle foods. It would be much easier if emotional health could be restored in one fell swoop. It is not advised to wait for an instant result, because working with stress is long, as well as with problem skin.