Today, in this most difficult period for every person, apathy has become almost commonplace. It interferes with creating, continuing to work, helping loved ones and also puts life on a forced pause. A psychologist practicing Gestalt therapy, positive psychotherapy, transactional analysis, and cognitive-behavioral therapy, talks about how to get out of a state of complete apathy.
If it is about life or reactive depression – learn to control your thoughts
If you tend to “chew” the same thoughts in yourself, “wind up” events, adding one disaster after another, start keeping a diary of automatic thoughts.
Every day, when you wake up, you start thinking about something. The moment you begin to think about something, for example, sadness appears in you, and images begin to appear. There are cases when a person has just woken up, but already feels tired.
Start recording in the diary:
what do you want to do
Every automatic thought triggers feelings, emotions. Your task is to bring your emotions under control. This means learning to understand them, give them a name and find hidden real needs in them.
For example, I woke up in the morning, thought about how much work, remembered how little they pay for it, felt tired and apathetic. What do I want to do – find a new job? Or talk to your manager? Or to understand why I stayed so long at this job, etc.?
Learn to talk about yourself and your desires
Taboos on one’s own desires, life for someone, in someone’s name (for children, husband, parents) sooner or later lead to a feeling of losing oneself.
Find what you love about your relationship. Find what pleases your heart in the usual life, in the limitations, in the framework. Find time for yourself – an hour, a day a week, as much as you can. The main thing is to be closer to yourself than to someone else, because the most important person in life is you.
To rest on time means to relax and enjoy the mind, body, and soul, to feel joy in every cell. Thus, the human body can restore itself and accumulate resources for further activities.
Don’t try to control everything, everyone, including yourself
Control is exhausting because it is impossible to control people’s thoughts and plans, political events, and much more. Take care of yourself, your psyche – first of all. Start keeping a diary of automatic thoughts, write down your emotions, feelings in order to look for desire in this whole process. Learn to hear yourself, and then control will become secondary.
If you have experienced a strong shock – lost someone close to you, were forced to emigrate, etc., it is better to consult a specialist. Remember, antidepressants only solve the problem for a while.