Food therapist and nutritionist talks about how to keep the work of all organs and the nervous system in balance.
This is a very difficult time for all of us, but I still decided to give some tips to help bring the body to a more stable state.
Regarding food
If you have the opportunity to go to the store, buy something that does not spoil quickly (tuna in its own juice / olive oil and other fish that will be available). Be sure to read the labels – and not in order not to eat something wrong, but to shift the focus of attention from the news, to slow down and calm the mind.
Marinated vegetables (cucumbers / tomatoes, cabbage), raw spoil quickly (and fiber is very necessary during stress – because there is a risk of constipation).
Frozen vegetables, berries, fruits (thaw and eat).
Nuts and seeds (be sure to find them, preferably without salt / sugar, ordinary) – will support the hormonal system, saturate for a long time, normalize the nervous system.
Chewing gum is very helpful to calm down. Chew when you feel strong tension.
If you do not want anything – then eat at least honey, water, cookies, sweets (something that gives glucose to the body for energy).
Stress greatly depletes the work of all organs, and you remember that glucose is the easiest and fastest fuel for the body. You can still in liquid form (juices, strips, cola), but there is a lot of phosphorus, so infrequently, especially if there is a problem with calcium (this is if it is very difficult to eat something, but I would still recommend chewing.
Regarding the nervous system and tension
Self-massage – believe me, it helps a lot (from pressing to kneading and stroking yourself and loved ones). Touch your body from the masticatory muscles to the buttocks.
Breath. Smooth, slow, deep, concentration on the breath for at least 5-10 minutes, especially in the acute phase of stress.
Exercise. If you sit for a long time, start doing joint exercises, or walk at least where possible. If there is no place at all, turn from side to side, do stretching.
If possible – take a contrast shower and bath with magnesium salt (this is now a luxury in our conditions, but suddenly there is access).
Aroma oils can be inhaled, even without an aroma lamp. Especially good if it is lavender, lemon balm, mint or citrus.
Sleep. Here’s how it will turn out, but if you have the opportunity to fall asleep day / night – catch it. Only in this way do we fully restore ourselves, especially the nervous system.
Change the focus of attention: if possible – read books, draw, write down thoughts, write down all the aggression and negativity, all the pain, suffering and all the emotions that are now settling in the body.
Regarding drugs
From simple and available in pharmacies: magnesium, Magne B6, complex B, GABA (GABA), L-theanine, 5-STR.
If you are very anxious and scared: valerian and herbal remedies, afobazole, noofen – be careful when using, preferably after consulting a doctor.
It is best to carry all the medicines you are taking for health reasons, buy them in advance, ask for help on social networks or from friends if something is running out and you cannot buy it.
And yet: seek support in yourself. Now it will be better for everyone if everything is fine with you and you do not need to be saved. The fear of death is the fear of life. Because one does not happen without the other. So, if you have a lot of fears, think about how you want to live and fill your body, soul and head with positive emotions.