We recently learned that healthy foods bring real benefits only in the right proportions, and the body can be harmed even by eating healthy foods. Today we focus on 7 myths about nutrition that should be debunked and left in the past. Whether it is worth giving up fats, whether sports will help you lose weight, and how dangerous gluten is really – nutritionist Michel Brod knows the answers to these questions.
Myth 1: You will lose weight if you skip meals. In fact, if you skip lunch or snacks, the next time you eat, you will need more food to fill you up. In addition, it will be difficult for you to stop, because any food will seem very tasty and appetizing. To avoid this, you should always have a healthy snack with you, which will include fiber, healthy fats and carbohydrates. This will help maintain the metabolism and the necessary level of sugar in the blood. Examples of such healthy snacks are an apple and a spoonful of peanut butter, nuts, whole grain crackers with hummus.
Myth 2: Everyone should be gluten-free. This plant-based protein is only unsafe for those who suffer from celiac disease or gluten intolerance. In all other cases, it can be used.
Myth 3: You can’t gain weight from healthy food. Even if a particular product is useful, it should not be consumed in unlimited quantities. Olive oil, hummus, nuts, and avocados are good sources of fats, and if a small amount of them has a positive effect on the body, too large portions can lead to weight gain, because one way or another, you still eat fat.
Myth 4: You gain weight because of carbohydrates. By eliminating carbohydrates from your diet, you will most likely lose weight, but you will soon begin to quickly get tired and feel sleepy. In addition, by returning to a normal diet, your weight will also return – perhaps even more. Instead of completely giving up this element, start eating the right carbohydrates. These are found in whole grain and rye breads, quinoa, brown rice, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, and whole grain pasta. By the way, these products contain a large number of other useful substances and minerals.
Myth 5: To lose weight, you need to give up fatty foods. We have already found out that there are healthy fats – in avocados, olives, nuts, peanut butter and seeds. The body needs fats, so every day we should consume a small amount of them. They lower the risk of heart disease, help you feel full faster, and promote the absorption of minerals and vitamins.
Myth 6: Sports will help you lose weight. Exercising increases your appetite, so if you play sports, you should pay special attention to your diet. Definitely, training brings great benefits to the body, but it does not guarantee weight loss. It is worth remembering that the press is created not only in the gym, but also in the kitchen.
Myth 7: The number on the scale is the main indicator. If you decide to lose weight and get your body in shape, you should not weigh yourself daily. Pay attention to how you feel and how the clothes fit – these indicators are more important. Especially if you play sports.