Square breathing
To perform, you will need any square or rectangular object that you see in front of you (door, wall, house). If you’re comfortable closing your eyes and imagining a square in front of you, that works too.
Inhale – follow with a look, at one count – one movement to the corner.
Breathe and continue to the count of 4 as you move across the square.
Exhale – accompany the look, on one account – one movement to the corner.
Breathe and continue to the count of 4 as you move across the square.
Body scan
Learn to pay attention to what is happening now in your body, senses and thoughts. Focus on every cell in your body, from the top of your head to your heels. Close your eyes, first making sure of your own safety. Try to feel your forehead, eyes, nose, lips, chin, neck. Feel your shoulders and strong arms, watch your lungs breathe on their own and your chest rise and fall. Continue this way down.
Muscle relaxation
It is difficult to relax when the muscles are tense. It prevents you from breathing freely and having a fresh head. It is better to perform the technique alone in a quiet place or before going to bed.
Tighten all the muscles (it is more convenient to do it lying down or sitting) and hold this position for as long as possible (you can mentally count to 10), then sharply relax the whole body.
Due to inertia, the muscles relax even more. When there are a lot of stress hormones in the blood, the autonomic system turns on and starts processing them.