After sunrise and alarm clock, the morning often seems fleeting and chaotic. However, there are several ways to make the most of this part of the day. “Research shows that a positive start can significantly affect overall happiness and increase productivity,” says American therapist Kayote Joseph, noting that it only takes 10 minutes to start the morning right.
Why is this important? The fact is that the way you start your day affects not only the body but also your psychological state. Organizing the beginning of the day as a result will help you feel harmonious throughout the day. In our selection you will find some useful tips that can be included in the morning routine to maximize your well-being and efficiency during the rest of the day.
Listen to your body
A healthy and productive morning routine is something that sets you in a positive mood and creates mind contact with the body. Listen to yourself and find out what inspires you. Think about what products, practices and activities contribute to this. Then include four or five activities that stimulate and empower you emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually.
Be active
Exercise, even short, is part of a productive and healthy morning routine. Exercise combined with proper breathing saturates every cell of your body with oxygen, revitalizing you both physically and mentally. This type of activity calms and relaxes, as well as sets you up for creativity and balanced problem solving. This way, adding simple, effective exercises to your morning routine can strengthen your body and mind.
Healthy breakfast
Eating one or two superfoods for breakfast will improve brain function and increase dopamine levels in the blood (happiness hormone). The secret is to find out which foods make you feel the most energetic. Many people choose breakfasts with the addition of yogurt or eggs, and cereals and complex carbohydrates try to leave for later.
Start the morning without gadgets
Don’t start your day by monitoring the news feed on social media. Studies show that the first 10 minutes of the morning set the tone for the day, and checking email and social media produces stress hormones in the brain, such as adrenaline and cortisol.
Create your own morning rituals
There are two main practices of self-care that help make the morning better: meditation and Thanksgiving diary entries. In the case of meditation, you should not resort to complex techniques of immersion in the subconscious, to begin with it will be enough to learn light morning meditations. As for the Thanksgiving diary, start writing down the good things that happened to you the day before. This will help you understand and comprehend the main values in life, the little things that make you happy, and look at your routine from the side.