Research shows that reducing caffeine intake benefits people with anxiety disorders, as even one cup a day is a serious trigger for and increases anxiety.
For example, if your anxiety level is a 5, a few hours after consuming caffeine, it will most likely be an 8, rising to a 10 or more in the evening. In addition, it is difficult to drink coffee every time you need a boost of energy.
However, this is not so necessary. There are several ways to make you more energetic, even if coffee didn’t help.
Drink some water
When the body is dehydrated, it reduces activity so as not to use reserve water reserves. Therefore, a glass of water will help to get rid of sleepiness and start work.
The Chinese way
Points on the body are one of the favorite methods of influencing the human body for one purpose or another, which has been used in China for thousands of years. To cheer up quickly, use a simple technique: clench your hands into fists and tap each other first from the side of the little fingers, then from the side of the thumbs. Do this 30 times on each side. You can also intensively massage your fingers – it works well.
Despite the fact that when we have a sleepy state, we want to lie in bed without getting out of it for at least an hour, do the opposite. Namely, go for a walk. Paradoxically, walking outdoors works just like that. Even a 15-minute walk will be enough to become more energetic and start the intended tasks with pleasure.