Lack of appetite after severe stress is common. Today, when stressors run high, many girls complain about this problem. About how to maintain balance in the diet, says nutritionist, expert on healthy eating:
Very often our first reaction to severe stress is not eating, but, conversely, lack of appetite.
Why is this happening?
Under severe stress, a lot of adrenaline is released into the blood. This hormone helps us to mobilize (both physically and mentally), that is, the focus is on saving ourselves. Another effect of adrenaline is to suppress appetite (because the body is not up to food at this time). If the problem that caused the stress is not solved quickly (and in our case the second month has passed), the person tends to lose weight. And most often it happens to people who do not have extra pounds or do not have enough body weight.
Eating is a consequence of chronic stress. Its intensity is less, but the action is stretched in time. This stress is controlled by cortisol, a hormone that breaks down proteins and provokes the accumulation of fat. It is the effect of cortisol that stimulates “calming” eating behavior – calming down through food.
Usually, loss of appetite lasts for several days and is soon replaced by increased appetite.
I’ve already talked about stress. Today we will talk about what to do when there is no appetite and it lasts longer than a few days.
If with emphasis I focused on self-discipline, then a person needs help. Important control from the outside to ensure that food is eaten.
Regularity is important! Let it be small portions, at regular intervals. For example, in 2.5-3 hours.
Monitor the quality and completeness of food. Man already eats little = lacks important nutrients. Therefore, these small portions should be as useful as possible. Take care of yourself and support your loved ones!