Do you want to lose weight, have a toned body, but because of work you do not have enough time and energy for jogging and strength training? Fortunately, there is a convenient, low-effort way to burn fat – walking. But to really lose weight by walking you need to take at least 10,000 steps a day, you say? Is it really? “If your goal is to burn fat, hiking should be part of your daily routine. Such a load is beneficial to overall health and wellness. But walking for weight loss is not about the number of steps, but about their quality, ”says celebrity personal trainer Scott Leidler. Research backs him up: Regular walking does indeed help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and age-related dementia by about 15%. In addition, walking is an affordable sport with a minimum of investment, at least you won’t have to spend money on a subscription to a fitness club.
However, many people keep track of the number of steps they take, betting on the number and length of the distance. But the key to losing weight by walking, as with many things in life, is quality, not quantity. “If your goal is fat loss, I would recommend striving to take 5,000-7,000 quality steps at a fast pace. Preferably on the terrain, ”says Leidler.
Why? Because walking faster or climbing uphill will increase your heart rate – that’s when you start burning calories. “When your heart rate reaches 100-120 beats per minute, depending on your age (or roughly 60-70% of your maximum heart rate, which is 220 minus your age), you enter the so-called fat burning zone, where fat is used as the main source of energy, ”explains Leidler.
What is Quality Fat Loss Walking?
Walking at a speed of 4-5 km per hour (or 20 minutes per 1.5 km) can burn up to three calories per minute – that’s about 80-90 calories in a 30-minute walk.
What does a beginner need to practice walking?
“If you decided to run a half marathon and embarked on your first training plan, you would most likely invest in new running shoes – so why not look at your walking shoes as well,” the coach asks? At the beginning of your workout, you can use a good instructor who will show you the correct walking techniques and can help you avoid the risks of lower leg injuries and other health problems. And, of course, a motivating music playlist.
5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Walking Time:
1. Top advice from coach Scott Leidler: use transport as little as possible and walk wherever possible. Of course, it is impossible to completely abandon the car and the metro, especially on the way to work, but it is quite possible to reduce the amount of transport in your life. Here are some tips to increase your walking time.
2. Don’t take a ready-made lunch to the office. The lack of ready-to-eat food will motivate you to take a lunch break and take a walk in search of it to the nearest supermarket, cafe, or home if you live close to work.
3. Increase your water intake. Try to drink a certain amount of water every hour at work, say half a glass. Set a timer to remind yourself to get up and walk over to your office cooler to refill your glass. Two useful things in one action.
4. Follow the “social walk” rule. Instead of collapsing on the couch upon returning from work and mindlessly flipping through your Instagram feed, try doing it while walking. Every time you want to check social media, get up and walk until you end your session. Coach’s note: Remember to look away from your phone and look around – when crossing a road or driving along a busy street.
5. Forget the elevator.