For many, the relief body of Hollywood pop diva Jennifer Lopez is inspiration and motivation. According to the singer, the secret of her ideal figure lies in working on herself, not genetics, as people think. How the beauty eats and trains – we tell further.
1. Drink plenty of water. This is Jay’s life credo. Before, during and after training, she constantly drinks water and thus gets rid of dehydration, speeds up metabolism and removes excess substances from the body. During the day Lopez drinks 2.5-3 liters of clean water.
2. Complete abstinence from alcohol and caffeine. The actress monitors not only her appearance, but also the health of her internal organs. For many years, Jennifer has not been drinking coffee or alcohol to relieve stress on her heart, liver and kidneys.
3. Clean food. The singer has long given up fast food, processed foods and fast carbs. Her diet is based on foods high in protein and healthy fats. Jay’s standard meal includes chicken or quinoa fish, as well as a large portion of fresh vegetables. It is known that the artist adores pork, but rarely allows it.
4. A smart snack. No matter how hungry Lopez is, she will never afford a chocolate bar or cookies. Between meals, the singer eats fruits and vegetables, as well as a protein shake, which recharges energy for a long time.
5. Strength and cardio training. Jennifer Lopez trains seven days a week and combines different types of exercise. She is engaged in the gym 4-5 times a week, and also goes to a dance studio. The singer trains all muscle groups, putting the greatest load on the arms, back, press and buttocks. Her favorite exercises are pull-ups, push-ups, squats of various kinds, twisting and lunges. By the way, on her Instagram page, Jay Lo often shows how she performs certain exercises. As for cardio, the artist loves morning running and cycling. But the greatest passion, of course – dancing. In addition to positive emotions, they give a good cardio load.