Weight loss is not an end in itself: you want to not only lose unwanted pounds, but also feel better. This means that any changes in the body must be comfortable and necessarily safe. So today we are talking about three rules that definitely do not need to follow when losing weight.
I decided to lose weight – get down to business!
This is how the slogans of most weight loss courses, books and trainings sound. This means that you should abruptly abandon your usual lifestyle, follow a diet, play sports and rebuild your biorhythms. Of course, this is very dangerous. Therefore, before you start to lose weight seriously, you need to be examined, pass all the tests and figure out which diets and exercises in your case will be not only effective but also safe. Otherwise, you can harm both physical and mental health.
Exercise should be exhausting
Sports should be! And what specifically, can only advise a coach, nutritionist or nutritionist based on history. Therefore, returning to the previous point – you can not do everything that is advised on the Internet. For example, if you have joint problems, you should be very careful with running. Otherwise, weight loss can end in osteoarthritis. Moreover, intense strength training provokes hernias, and jumps – worsen the condition of vascular disease or pressure problems. In general, in matters of fitness, especially beginners, you can not literally jump over your head.
You need to constantly monitor the menu and diet
Of course, when losing weight you will have to follow certain dietary recommendations. Most often we are talking about high-protein foods, fish, white meat, vegetables and fruits. It is recommended to give up sugar, flour and fast food. But none of these rules forbid eating your favorite chocolate or drinking some wine with your friends once a week. The same applies to the rule not to eat after 18:00. If you usually go to bed late (closer to the first night, for example), the last snack may be at nine or ten o’clock. You can eat a light salad, yogurt, apples or eggs. Better a poor horse than no horse at all.