A person is so arranged that he cannot work constantly in one mode. Periodically, there is a decline in strength, hands drop and you don’t want to do anything at all. At this moment, it is important to cheer yourself up and motivate yourself in order to return to the formation. Practical psychologist tells how to do it correctly and effectively.
Remember your strengths and sides
Self-doubt and one’s abilities are a frequent cause of loss of strength and reluctance to do something. Remind yourself of your achievements and strengths. Compliment yourself on the skills you have developed well and take action.
Do what you like
When motivation is at zero, it’s difficult to just get up and start doing labor-intensive work, so to start cognitive processes, start with a warm-up. Doing things that bring you pleasure can be just such a warm-up. These actions will improve your mood and help restore inspiration, as a result, you will have more strength to perform work tasks.
Celebrate even small victories
This will help build positive skills. It is not necessary to buy a cake every time. It is enough to simply note that something good has happened.
Focus on solving the problem
Here it is important to focus not on the problem itself, but rather on its solution. Consider all possible options.
Take care of your health
Feeling bad is a great distraction from work and lowers productivity. Engage in dancing, sports, be outdoors.
Do what you love and what you can earn
Success in any endeavor is based on a combination of passion and experience. But be careful. Make sure that you can earn from the results of this activity. Not everything we like can bring real income, which sooner or later will lead to burnout.