Uncertainty, the impossibility of changing “everything at once”, waiting for news from relatives and friends, disappointing attempts to immerse yourself in everyday life or return to start finding new meanings in life. This is our reality today.
Doctor-psychologist says that we get tired of our own emotions, of unsuccessful attempts to control them or of the fact that we don’t feel safe when we feel them.
Emotions help us understand our attitude to those events and things that surround us. Sometimes, when a new wave covers us, our body instinctively starts to fight for life. The nervous system independently chooses a strategy for survival and, obscuring consciousness, takes control. But sometimes the new wave does not let us go. It offers an escape, a rejection of what really worried.
Feelings, which are woven from conscious emotions and life experiences, help us get back on our feet, determine our behavior and influence the beliefs with which we motivate ourselves.
Emotions are not good or bad, positive or negative, fair or not. They are a part of us, and trying to subjugate them violently is like trying to subjugate the ocean. It is from these attempts that we get more tired.
Try these steps to get started:
1. Help yourself better understand your emotions by naming them. When you can name something (give it a “real/true name”), then you can talk about it. When you start talking about it, then you can act accordingly.
2. Find ways to identify and talk about emotions, even if they are not your own. It can be useful to get to know other people, and it will help them to better understand their own “ocean”.
3. Start using simple strategies for dealing with emotions: take deep breaths in and out, express them through creativity or a hobby, ask for help.
4. Don’t forget to praise yourself when you talk about your emotions (even if you don’t really like the emotions you mentioned).
5. Some emotions are really hard to be aware of and there may be times when you don’t want to hear and talk about them. In such cases, note that you even started this conversation with yourself and promise yourself to reflect on them later.
6. Remember that it is not life circumstances or people that make us feel certain emotions or feelings, but we ourselves, or rather our nervous system.