Pandemic, instability and uncertainty in the future. In difficult periods, it is especially important for us to maintain our mental health by all means. Here are some simple and accessible methods from practical psychologist, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by experts and scientific research.
Make up small tests for yourself
It can be sports achievements or progress in learning a foreign language. If we set tasks for ourselves every day and fulfill them, we strengthen our psyche, making it more stable and stronger.
Research shows that the experience of overcoming small challenges that we create for ourselves helps us cope with the big challenges that life will throw at us. These small achievements are quite capable of giving us confidence and faith in our abilities.
Try not to sit in one place for a long time
It would seem that what is terrible in the fact that we spend the whole day in front of the screen? However, recent studies once again confirm that a sedentary lifestyle can be harmful to mental health.
Doctors usually recommend at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day. But this may not be enough if we spend more than 8 hours a day in a sitting position. This lifestyle can provoke increased stress, depressive symptoms and psychological distress.
Walk in the fresh air
Walks calm and soothe. German scientists found out that in areas with a large number of green spaces, residents used fewer antidepressants on average.
Remember your successes more often
It is easier for us to cope with negative experiences if we now try to remember past successes and achievements. At the same time, simply pleasant memories, not related to achievements, are not so effective. When life challenges us, it is very important to believe in the possibility of overcoming it. Therefore, try to regularly remind yourself of past victories.
Don’t forget to call your friends
In recent studies, it has been proven that in women who are going through life difficulties, talking with friends reduced the level of cortisol, the main stress hormone.