Only that garden blooms and smells that feels love, care and attention to itself. A garden devoid of even minimal maintenance quickly loses its harmony and charm, loses its beauty and unique, inimitable image. Those who are engaged in the improvement of their garden area are interested in the question: “How to take care of the garden?” All landscape design objects require constant maintenance, but especially green spaces need it.
Shrub and tree care
Particular attention should be paid to the young garden, i.e. newly planted trees and shrubs. In the first few months, regular watering and treatment with root stimulants is very important.
Because during this time, the seedlings feel in the ground like a bouquet in a vase. After all, new roots have not yet appeared, and the old ones do not have the opportunity to receive moisture from the deep layers of the earth. So the seedlings will have to be watered abundantly every day for the first 5 days after planting, and in dry weather for 10 days. In the future, in addition to watering, you will need:
• Loosen and mulch the soil in the area of the trunk circles. The trunk circle is the area around the trunk of a tree or shrub. The size of the tree trunk circle is approximately equal to the area of its crown, and for a shrub it will be an imaginary circle with a radius of 30-50 cm (from the base).
• Treat plants with special agents against pests and diseases. The most common remedy is copper or iron vitriol, either alone or mixed with lime. Timely carry out root and foliar dressing, using organic and mineral fertilizers for this. The composition of the fertilizer and the rate of its application depend on the season, as well as the type, age and condition of the plant.
• Carry out pruning – sanitary, regulating or formative, depending on the season and the condition of the plant. With sanitary pruning, dry, damaged branches are removed and the crown is thinned. When rejuvenating – remove old branches. When shaping – give the crown a certain shape and size. Pruning methods and timing are very different for different types of trees and shrubs.
Lawn care
A new lawn that has just been laid, and even more so that just sown, also requires daily watering. One month after laying (sowing) it will be possible to start feeding the lawn grasses. But first, make sure the grass has taken root, i.e. started to grow. Further lawn care is as follows:
• Regular mowing. You will need to mow the lawn about once every 7-10 days, depending on how fast the grass grows. Shoot height can depend on several factors: the species diversity of the grasses, the type of lawn, or your preference. On average, the height can be from 2 to 5 cm.
• Weed control. Even if the soil has been carefully prepared, weeds can still appear over time. The most affordable and reliable way to destroy them is by hand weeding. The best results are obtained by weeding at the germination stage. Protection from pests. Unfortunately, in some cases, chemicals are indispensable.
• Fertilization. In order for lawn grasses to develop normally and have a juicy green color, regular application of complex mineral fertilizers is required. Aeration and sanding. Aeration is the perforation of the soil with special tools over the entire area of the lawn. This procedure is carried out 1-2 times a year, depending on the composition of the soil. It allows the roots to gain more access to water, fertilizer and oxygen. Sometimes sanding is carried out simultaneously with aeration – the entire surface of the lawn is covered with a thin layer of sand of 2-3 mm. Part of the sand penetrates into the holes formed after aeration and prevents excessive accumulation of humus in the soil. Lawn cleaning or brushing. Held twice a year – in autumn and spring. In the spring, the remnants of dry grass (felt) are combed out, and in the fall, fallen leaves are collected.
Flower garden care
Flower beds are those elements of the garden that attract the eye more than others. Therefore, they must have an impeccable well-groomed appearance. The main activities for the care of flower beds:
• Watering. Please note that different types of plants require different amounts of moisture. The most intensive watering is required during the stages of active growth, budding and flowering. Watering, as well as spraying, should be carried out in the evening, when the sun is almost on the horizon.
• Loosening the soil. Again, for different flowers, loosening should be done differently, depending on how close the roots and stems of the plants are to the soil surface. For example, if a plant with horizontal rhizomes, which are formed in the upper layer of the soil, then you can loosen no deeper than 2-3 cm.
• Mulching. Various materials are used for mulching: expanded clay, brick chips, gravel, composts with the addition of peat, etc. For young flower beds, a layer of 2-3 cm is sufficient, for 4-5-year-olds – 5-8 cm. Weed control. It is easier to remove weeds from wet soil. Perennials should be uprooted so that they cannot multiply.
• Fertilization. Now on any fertilizer it is written how to use it. The main thing to remember is that nitrogen fertilizers cause intensive growth of greenery (tops), and phosphorus fertilizers accelerate the process of flowering and ripening of fruits.
• Cleaning. It is necessary to promptly remove dead plant parts: leaves, shoots, faded flowers.
• Rejuvenation. Perennial crops every few years should be rejuvenated (divided, pruned), because they lose their decorative effect.