Sleep deprivation is a lack or complete lack of satisfaction of the need for sleep. The main symptoms of this disorder are excessive daytime sleepiness, depressed mood, problems with memory and concentration. We tell how to regain strength in case of wakefulness.
If the basic need for sleep is not met, the level of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol in the blood increases, which also leads to an increase in blood pressure. People who are forced to sleep are more anxious, they experience the so-called stress of forced awakening.
According to the candidate of psychological sciences and psychotherapist, the following steps can help the body meet the need for sleep:
Introduce shifts to ensure continuous sleep for at least a few hours.
Shift sleep schedule. To maintain strength, you should use every opportunity to sleep during the day.
Even if you can not sleep at night, resume sleep within 15 minutes of being forced to wake up. This will help maintain the body’s restorative sleep effect.
Purposeful relaxation techniques will also help: you need to intentionally relax the facial muscles, then lower and relax the shoulders, arms, legs, and torso muscles. You should direct your thoughts to a calm and safe place.