Fact: the lower the temperature on the thermometer drops, the more difficult it is for the skin of the lips. The fact is that this is one of the most vulnerable areas of our body, practically devoid of sebaceous glands, and therefore, the possibility of natural moisturizing and nutrition. If your balms and hygienic lipsticks only work for a moment, you should pay attention to more intensive care.
In the cold season, in order for the lips to remain soft and smooth, it is worth introducing masks into the beauty diet. There are ready-made products, and it is also easy to prepare at home. For this, you will need only three ingredients that can be found in every kitchen.
Prepare a lip mask:
Honey – 1 tsp.
Fat cheese – 2 tsp.
Olive oil – 0.5 tsp.
Combine the three components and mix well to a homogeneous mass – so that there are no lumps. Apply the mask on the lips for 20 minutes.
After that, carefully rinse with warm water, dry your lips with a paper towel and apply your favorite balm.