Let me break your brain: squats are not the only and not the best way to increase your buttocks. A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that Romanian traction and buttocks are more effective exercises. So, if you make mistakes, maybe it’s time to work with other exercises in your program. Cool? Cool!
With this clear, now let’s understand how to squat:
legs apart (shoulder-width apart or slightly wider);
chest forward, slowly bend the knees until the pelvis is parallel to the floor. Do not allow the kneecaps to lick your toes.
When you get up, move your body weight to your heels and focus on your buttocks. This is one approach;
feel like a ballerina.
Of course, technique is the basis of the basics during exercise. Because if you do it wrong, at best, training will be ineffective, and at worst – you can even hurt yourself.
If you have good technique, let’s look at mistakes you haven’t even thought about. Focus on compression, best time to rise and so on.
1. You do not squeeze your buttocks hard enough.
Focusing on the buttocks, upper and lower thighs will help improve shape over time, says Hannah Davis, a certified bodybuilder and founder of Body By Hannah. “Light the lower body, squeeze everything before squatting,” – says Davis. This trick strengthens the lower part, you should feel the burning before you go down completely. Each such squat will be more effective.
2. You squat after cardio.
If your goal is big and elastic buttocks, this mistake can stop you, says Davis. The point is this: if your legs are already tired after running, they will not have enough energy for strength training. You will not see rapid progress if you do not teach to the fullest, build resistance and gain weight each time.
3. You don’t go low enough.
If you want to get the most out of your movement, your hips are parallel to the ground (or even lower), says Hannah Davis. “You will strengthen your muscles faster and more effectively, provided you use the full range of motion during squats,” says the trainer.
4. You do not take a day off.
Your muscles need time to recover. “You’re in pain because you’re literally tearing your muscle fibers,” said Messi Aria, a certified fitness trainer and Instagram icon with 2.5 million followers. “Muscles need to be restored so you can repeat the process,” she said.
5. You do not create resistance.
“Air” squats – for beginners. If you’ve been squatting for six months and don’t notice the changes, you need to use sports weights, says Aria. Build resistance to grow muscles. Start with small complications, but the latest approaches should be by force. Gradually increase the load if you want change.