Running is a good muscle workout to help you burn calories quickly. Running makes all the muscles in our body work intensively – legs, arms and body. German physician Ernest Van Aaken was convinced that long-term low-intensity running combined with diet was the path to health.
Important rules:
Run daily
Run slowly
On a low pulse
Low intensity
When we train in the aerobic zone, first of all, the cardiovascular system develops, the capillary network increases and long muscle fibers are worked out, which are precisely responsible for endurance. In addition, it burns fat, which contributes to weight loss.
Fat cells and exercise
During running, triacylglycerides, a kind of “energy reservoir” of adipose tissue, are transformed into free fatty acids. These, in turn, are released into the bloodstream, providing energy for working muscles. Regular exercise, combined with proper nutrition, leads to a decrease in fat storage and an improved metabolism. Long-term training improves the function of mitochondria, which are responsible for energy in our body.
The main tasks that we solve with running:
Decreased heart rate (heart rate)
Capillary enlargement
The heart of a person who is systematically involved in jogging becomes more efficient and switches to an economical use of energy. If you want to be beautiful and slim, include uphill running in your workout.
Running uphill requires more muscle strength than running on a flat surface.
Running up stairs or slides is a great quick way to burn calories. During running, the main work is done by the muscles of the legs, hip flexors, gluteal muscles, thigh muscles, deltoids, shoulder muscles, biceps and triceps. During sprints, the muscles of the core and arms are trained for real. As a result, you are provided with a beautiful abs and toned muscles.
You can also add the “Tabata” fat burning workout to your workouts, which is known for its high efficiency in accelerating metabolism (up to 9 times) and dropping extra pounds.
The goal of this workout is to complete the maximum number of movements in 4 minutes.
Each set consists of 20 seconds of maximum intensity work and 10 seconds of rest. This cycle is repeated 8 times in a row for a total of 4 minutes.
As you can see, periods of short-term intense exercise alternate with less intense recovery periods.
This workout will keep your body strong and lean.