“Morning, afternoon, evening or night – what is the best time to train?” — an eternal question, the answer to which even seasoned fitness adepts do not always know. A member of the International Federation of Functional Training, a spokesperson for international congresses, a graduate student of the Department of Olympic and Professional Sports, tells about how to choose the right time for training.
Morning training
The effectiveness of the training process is influenced by many factors: the type of physical activity (anaerobic or aerobic) and the time at which you train. If your goal is to lose weight, it is better to exercise in the morning.
At this time, a person feels a lack of nutrients after sleep. It should be cardio, but it doesn’t have to be long. 25-30 minutes of easy running is quite enough. Such training should preferably be done on an empty stomach. If you train until 10 o’clock in the morning, your body will burn more calories later.
According to research, people who exercise in the morning lose extra pounds faster. In addition, they choose healthy food more often and control their appetite, which helps them normalize their eating behavior.
Daily training
The results showed that anaerobic training efficiency and aerobic endurance decrease in the afternoon. At noon, there is a decline in body activity.
During the daytime period from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m., it is recommended to rest, and from 3:00 p.m. you will begin to feel a surge of energy and vitality. During these hours, you can do aerobics, stretching and crossfit, running, dancing and other sports. The body temperature is slightly higher than in the morning, and it will be much easier for you to start classes. Daily exercise improves blood flow to the brain, so you’ll be even more productive at work.
Evening training
The best time for strength and mass training is between 18:00 and 20:00. During this period, the athlete receives a charge of energy, muscles and joints become more elastic. There is a significant increase in performance, but after 19:00 the body temperature gradually decreases, and this is a great time to train the deep muscles. Classes should be less intensive. In the evening, you will be able to get rid of the stress accumulated during the day during training.
Night training
Classes after 10:00 p.m. are not beneficial for health, because at this time the body actively restores damaged tissues and stores energy. If a person does not sleep during this period, the mentioned process proceeds much more slowly. Therefore, night training is not recommended.
And of course, don’t forget that training should be regular and enjoyable!