1. Avocado. This fruit has a high fat content, respectively, its calorie content is high. But these are monounsaturated fats from the category of “useful”, which we need for the beauty and youth of the skin, as well as in order not to overeat and stop in time.
2. Coconut oil. The saturated fat in coconut oil is given a special name – medium chain triglycerides. Our body needs them for active wakefulness during the day and good rest at night, which, in turn, is the key to a slender body. A study published in the journal Lipids found that women who ate two tablespoons of coconut oil daily increased their levels of good cholesterol, which helps break down fats.
3. Tomato juice. The British Journal of Nutrition published a study that proclaimed this drink to be almost the main fat burner. Its secret lies in the content of adiponectin, a hormone responsible for the correct balance of body fat.
4. Oatmeal. In addition to the fact that oatmeal helps to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and thereby strengthens the health of the cardiovascular system, the “complex” type of carbohydrates, as in oatmeal, helps to accelerate metabolism. “The vegetable protein and starches in oats help you feel fuller longer,” explains nutritionist Francis Largeman-Roth, author of Nutrition in Color: Delicious, Healthy Recipes for You and Your Family.
5. Bananas. One banana contains approximately 450 milligrams of potassium. “Potassium has a diuretic and mild laxative effect, helping the body to naturally rid itself of toxins” says nutritionist Jackie Nugent, author of The Cookbook with or Without Meat.