1. Do you need fruit? Yes, you do, because they are a source of various polyphenols (stilbenes + flavanols, flavans, flavones, isoflavones and anthocyanidins). That is why all fruits are of different colors! The more variety – the more antioxidants and prevention of cancer, heart disease, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
2. How much? This question is individual, but! It is advisable not to overeat with them, since in addition to water, fiber and antioxidants, depending on the fruit, the amount of fructose is very variable. Let me remind you that excess fructose leads to gout, insulin resistance and even obesity if the daily intake of nutrients is higher than necessary. Optimally – 200-300 grams / day + 100-200 grams of berries. But again, these are very average norms.
3. How to eat? Fresh! (or frozen), with any heat treatment / drying – the amount of polyphenols is greatly reduced.
4. When to eat? Yes, whenever you like! This “equator” does NOT exist. After 15:00, nothing is postponed and nothing happens, unless you overeat in principle during the day. It is advisable to eat with meals, since fruit snacks without anything are fraught with insulin spikes, which is not good. Do not eat fruit on an empty stomach – the stomach will not say thank you, because hydrochloric acid is produced primarily for protein.
5. Is it possible to mix melon / watermelon or all fruits in general – yes! Separate food is nonsense, moreover, unproven.
6. Green and red apples contain approximately the same amount of fructose, but different antioxidants.
7. Nothing ferments in the stomach, since the fermentation process is possible in the intestines and not only because of the fruit. Most of the world’s population has deficiencies in enzymes for sugar, so excess leads to discomfort. A deficiency of the enzyme aldolase B in the liver cannot metabolize (most often it is genetics), and the intestines cannot metabolize normally. Then fructose becomes food for bacteria, causing gas, cramps, bloating, diarrhea, and more.
8. Fructose is dangerous not from fruits, but from syrups, dried fruits, in the form of dry powder, etc., as it can cause fatty hepatosis in excess.
9. Banana and grapes – you can, and with weight loss (adipose tissue) too!