Well-known nutritionist talks about why artichokes should be in the daily diet of every woman who cares about her health.
We can proudly call artichokes a symbol of our clinic. It is rarely used in its natural form, so today I want to talk about the benefits of artichoke.
How rich?
Powerful nutritional value in the form of fiber, vitamins (C, K, group B) and minerals (iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and zinc).
One average artichoke contains almost 7 g of fiber, which is 23-28% of the standard daily intake.
In addition, it contains approximately 4 g of protein, which is considered above average for plant sources.
Artichokes are the richest in antioxidant vegetables.
Useful properties of artichoke
1. Reducing the level of “bad” LDL cholesterol and increasing the “good” HDL.
First, artichokes contain luteolin, an antioxidant that prevents the formation of cholesterol.
Second, artichoke leaf extract promotes more efficient processing of cholesterol by lowering total levels.
2. Regulation of blood pressure. Artichoke extract activates the production of the enzyme eNOS, which plays a role in dilating blood vessels.
Also, artichoke is an excellent source of potassium, a sufficient amount of which helps to normalize blood pressure.
3. Healthy liver. Artichoke improves liver function in people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Artichoke leaf extract helps protect the liver from toxic effects and damage. It is believed that this is due to antioxidants such as cinnarine and silymarin.
It also increases bile production.
4. Improving digestion.
Artichokes contain inulin – a type of fiber that acts as a probiotic – nourishes the beneficial intestinal microflora. In addition, inulin helps prevent constipation and improves calcium absorption.
Inulin is also linked to the prevention of certain cancers, such as breast and colorectal cancers.
Artichoke extract improves the condition of heartburn, nausea and bloating.
5. Relief of symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
Some compounds in artichoke have antispasmodic properties, which reduces pain and inflammation.