Depression is often devalued and seen as a side effect of laziness, a weak character, a desire to procrastinate, excessive self-pity, or just a bad mood. But depression is a disease that affects more than 300 million people every year, greatly impairs their quality of life and work capacity, and can lead to suicide. Anyone
Evacuation of children from areas of active hostilities to safer regions is currently underway. Most of them have been without healthy sleep and food for a long time. It is not surprising that it is difficult for children to adapt to normal conditions. That is why volunteers and representatives of the receiving party should learn
An important question for all beginners and even long-time fitness followers is “Which training is more effective: outdoors or in the hall”? Exercising outdoors has been proven to reduce anxiety levels and help manage stress. It is also a great way to get the most important vitamin D for the body. Sunlight activates the production
Is it possible not to quarrel with your relatives during the war? Spoiler: it’s impossible now, because aggression comes from all sides and finds its way out through excessive food consumption or through fights. The question is how you convey your message to your relatives. Psychologist and body-oriented therapist assures that it is very difficult
Now (underline) I live in my favorite city. In my city. There are people dear to my heart, the way home through the alley, gatherings with girlfriends on the embankment or in cafes at the Golden Gate, a wonderful view from the window on the Dnipro and the most beautiful sunsets in the city, favorite
Relationships in a couple are one of those areas where during this period conflicts, separations occur more often, the form of relationships changes, and what was deeply hidden or unsaid at the time is revealed. A psychologist who practices Gestalt therapy, transactional analysis, and cognitive-behavioral therapy, explains why this happens. Anger and complaints against each
The off-season is a period when the body adjusts to a new regime, and the weather dictates new conditions. At this time, we are all prone to depression and apathy more often than usual. We have collected three win-win ways that can really improve your mood even on a gloomy and rainy weekday. Aromatherapy Aromatherapy