Going on a first date and feel your stomach spinning? Are you planning to make a presentation to the audience and can’t collect your thoughts? Having an awkward conversation with your boss that makes you breathless? This is how the body responds to anxiety. The brain sends signals of danger, a high alert mode is
Oddly enough, not only beginners, but also those who have been working in this business for a long time, can face difficulties in organizing scientific or business conferences and forums. The fact is that very often, repeating the same actions, a person may stop paying attention to some details, which, in turn, are very important.
Organizing a fabulous party is beyond the scope of this site’s article, as thekey to a good party is often a combination of careful planning anduncontrollable luck: good weather, good mood, and good interaction between all the participants. This article will make it easier for you to make things work out well.Choose a time, date
Leslie Lew is the founder of Reclaiming Your Courage, LLC. She is a leading self-defense expert who helps women leverage their mind, body and voices to stand with power and confidence during personal and professional attacks. Leslie started her martial arts journey at the age of 8 and achieved 2 black belts by the time
Calla Lily is a very elegant and graceful flower. The homeland of this flower is South Africa. Calla Lily has a multifaceted color scheme. Each color has a symbolism: yellow is a symbol of wealth, white is a symbol of purity. Pink is tenderness and love burgundy is family values. And the yellow core is
With so many wedding dress styles to choose from, it’s nearly impossible to know what style suits you best. Take our “What’s Your Bridal Style?” quiz to discover the best bridal style for you! Vintage Boho: The vintage boho bridal style encompasses bridal style of eras past and mixes it with a laidback, modern vibe. Drawing inspiration from