It is difficult to get rid of all bad habits in one day and start a new, healthy life on the notorious Monday. But what if you stretch this process over a week and introduce new rules gradually? One healthy habit every day. Let’s try!
1. Prepare a healthy breakfast in the evening. Replacing a full breakfast with a cup of coffee and a bun due to lack of time for morning cooking – leads to a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels after 2-3 hours, and, consequently, loss of energy by 10: 00-11: 00 am. To cheer up, do you go to the coffee maker again? If this is your case, try preparing a full breakfast in the evening to get enough complex carbohydrates in the morning for full brain and body function.
2. Workout 7 minutes. Seven minutes of morning physical activity is better than nothing. An active workout with exercises, for each of which you spend exactly 60 seconds, will start the metabolism and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
3. Active holidays in the company of friends. He does not mean a beer at the bar. It can be either a walk around the city or an evening of “non-alcoholic” dancing. In any case, in the morning you will feel vigorous and full of energy. If it is not easy to gather a group of friends for such a holiday, dance at home in front of the mirror for an hour. And may Despacito be with you.
4. Take vitamin D. Autumn blues will be bypassed if you are outdoors for at least 10 minutes a day during daylight hours and additionally take vitamin D. cold period. This will certainly reflect on your mood.
5. Dine in good company. Lunch in the company of like-minded people is healthier and healthier than in the company of gadgets. Take your office buddies and plan your meals for the week ahead, including healthy meals rich in protein, fiber, and grains. You can influence each other well by sharing healthy snacks together. Remember: an office lunch is not just a meal, but a small event that helps the brain to reboot and gives a good mood for the second half of the working day.
6. Go to bed an hour earlier. On a dark, early, cold morning, it is very difficult to get out of bed and part with a warm pillow. There are days when this procedure turns into torture and a serious struggle with oneself for every second of being under the covers. With an extra hour of sleep, it will become much easier to wake up. You will feel refreshed, refreshed and collected. Take a week to develop this new habit.
7. Practice the bedtime ritual. To improve sleep quality, avoid distractions and nervous system stimuli such as bright artificial lights, cell phones, and computers. Looking at artificial light before bed increases brain stimulation and makes it harder for your body to switch from activity to rest. So leave your phone and laptop in another room, read a book, and take a warm lavender oil bath for maximum relaxation. Also try these relaxing yoga exercises to release muscle tension.