Emotional health is when a person is able to feel harmonious and balanced regardless of external circumstances. Psychologist emphasizes that in our modern realities this is necessary for every person. Why? Because a person with a high level of emotional health shows resilience in times of stress. Also, when your emotional health is good, it seems like you can handle any disaster and solve any problem. But when its level drops, even small troubles can cause panic attacks or depression.
Also, we all know that emotions are quite closely related to our physical condition. If earlier people were closer to nature and had genetic protective mechanisms that protected them from diseases, now they are deprived of such protection and must be not only physically developed, but also mentally/mentally stable.
This suggests that it is necessary to learn to cope with the huge flow of information, which today covers people like an avalanche, to distance oneself from secondary problems, to create psychologically comfortable conditions for oneself.
Worrying about our body, we completely forget about something deeper – about the soul. Stable emotional health ensures the full development of the personality, namely:
emotional and volitional;
spiritual and moral.
Also, emotional health contributes to the formation of one’s own “I” and effective self-realization of personal qualities. Therefore, its preservation is very important for each of us!
And in order to improve your emotional health, you need to find time for motor activity (charging, running, swimming, etc.); communicate with relatives and friends; engage in things that bring pleasure (hobbies); spend time in the fresh air and follow a balanced diet.