Stress, anger, and fear led to confusion. What to do with it and how to master it, read below.
The state of confusion arises as one of the reactions to situations when reality does not meet expectations. The need to adapt to a new place, a new country, ignorance of language, rules. Realizing that we can not influence the course of events, we must wait indefinitely.
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, psychotherapist shared 14 tips to help bring your condition in order and stop asking yourself the question “What to do next?”
Start with a routine – daily responsibilities return a sense of control, allow you to switch.
Minimize the effects of distractions during the working day. Put the phone in silent mode, turn off the mobile Internet, remove foreign objects from the table.
Return to work gradually, starting with a few hours a day. It is good if you manage to plan and write down tasks in advance, for example, in the evening.
Establish clear time limits for the working day. If you work remotely, it’s a good idea to decide when and how long the workday should start, what the breaks should be, and how long they should last.
Take longer and more frequent breaks. During the war, the body spends most of its energy on fighting stress, so work at full strength as before will not work.
During the working day to delete completed tasks – so the brain will receive “dopamine reinforcement” and a sense of accomplishment.
To return to a normal life is to allow yourself to replenish your own resources. Rest – during breaks at work and after, at a time when there is no alarm, go out into the fresh air, or just relax and sit with your eyes closed, listen to music.
Take care of yourself, watch your appearance. Brightness and outrage may not be in time now, but a neat look maintains confidence.
Communicate with friends by phone and through social networks, smile. In addition, mirror neurons work – your smile can support others.
Hobbies: painting, growing flowers on the windowsill, reading books, meditating. This allows you to be distracted, return to a peaceful life for a while, as well as be useful to yourself and your loved ones.
Have a little fun. For example, buy goodies at the nearest coffee shop.
Worry and spend time with family: watch a movie, do homework with a child, play board games.
Answer the question: “What will I get if I return to normal life?”.
Remembering that it makes sense to survive in the most difficult of circumstances: why I do it.
Let these simple tips help you get back to normal life and plan your peaceful future faster.