New Year is coming soon, and every girl wants to be irresistible on this magical night and put on an elegant dress. What if this dress is open?
Arms are one of the most problematic areas even for those who are actively involved in fitness.
To lose weight in your arms, you need to switch to a new diet and do specific exercises. It must be remembered that this is a complex problem and you will have to deal with the whole body, and not just your hands.
Excess weight in the arms is due to two reasons – weak arm muscles or general obesity. There is no special diet for weight loss in the hands. The body will lose weight in general, but the fat will go away from the arms first.
So, for quick weight loss in your arms:
Eliminate sugar and sweets from the diet;
Bakery products;
Sweet drinks.
These foods contain empty calories that do not provide the body with anything useful.
Reduce the amount of sugary fruits (especially bananas and grapes), which are high in sugar.
Eat at least 3 hours before bedtime.
Drink plenty of water.
Give preference to vegetables.
Include protein foods, especially fish, on your menu.
There should be enough greens in your diet.
In addition to food, the human body needs good sleep. It is the 8-hour full sleep that helps to normalize metabolic processes and launch a weight loss program. It is advisable to sleep in well-ventilated dark rooms, as any light inhibits the production of melatonin.
In addition to special exercises for the arms, it is necessary to increase the level of daily activity: walk, climb stairs, ride a bicycle.
Top exercises for weight loss in the arms
Push ups
Get into a prone position. Hands are shoulder width apart. Legs together. Lower yourself as you inhale, try to reach the floor with your chest.
Straighten your arms as you exhale, do not bend in the lower back.
Dumbbell curls
Feet shoulder width apart. The back is straight. Lower your arms with dumbbells along your body. Bend your elbows, lifting to your chest. Keep your back straight.
Chair Squat
Place your hands on the seat of a chair, with your feet about half a meter from it. Keep your back straight and lower yourself slowly until your arms are at a 90 degree angle. Return to starting position.
Reverse plank
Sit on the floor with your legs extended. Lean on your hands. Lift your pelvis up. The arms should not bend. The body should form a straight line. Hold the position for a minute.
Seated French press with dumbbells
Sit on a bench, rest on the floor. Take a dumbbell with both hands, lift it above your head. As you inhale, lower the dumbbell behind your head. We press the elbows to the head. As you exhale, lift the dumbbell to its original position.
And remember that stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor sleep can lead to a dramatic drop in testosterone levels. A lack of it can lead to fat accumulation.
A balanced diet and resistance exercise is the most effective way to get rid of fat on your arms, strengthen your muscles, and give them shape and tone.