At any time of the year, you want to look stunning, and especially at the start of the year. Of course, it is very important to monitor your diet. But do not forget that calories need to be spent playing sports. To say goodbye to extra pounds quickly, you should reconsider your diet and pay more attention to physical activity. So, we collect the will into a fist and begin.
Jumping rope
Regular jumping rope is a great exercise for fast weight loss. Start at 2 minutes and work up gradually to 10 minutes. This is great for helping you lose weight and use the muscles in your arms, legs, back, and abdomen.
Climbing stairs
This is a great exercise that burns those extra calories. Climb one step at a fast pace. So you cover the distance you want and do physical exercise at the same time.
Squats effectively pump your hips and glutes. Keep your heels on the floor, and your knees shouldn’t go beyond your toes. Make the task more difficult. Take a jump after each squat. Do some intense exercise. Doing each one after the other is one circle. We make such 3-4 circles.
1. Jumping up from the squat – 15-20 reps.
2. Jumping out, bring the knee forward. We do 15-20 reps for each leg.
3. Swing your leg back. We do 15-20 reps for each leg.
4. Bring the knee forward and lunge. We do 10-15 reps for each leg.
The plank is a great exercise without any movement. The plank is great for helping you burn excess fat. This exercise uses many different muscles. Take a lying position and try to hold this position for as long as possible.
Push-ups are the most effective exercise for losing weight on the arms. Beginners can start the exercise off the wall. Classic push-ups are one of the best physical exercises at home. Since almost all the muscles of the body begin to work in this exercise, this significantly speeds up the metabolism, the process of losing weight becomes faster.
Plie – squats with legs wide apart. Strengthens the glutes and inner thighs. Spread your knees wide and make sure that the body does not fall over. Do squats. By following some nutritional guidelines, you can speed up your weight loss process.
Drink plenty of water in order not to overeat during the day, you need to follow the drinking regimen. Don’t eat up stress. You can’t beat stress with a chocolate bar.
Perfect Breakfast Formula: 07:00 to 10:00
Fat 65%
Protein 20%
Carbohydrates 15%
The Perfect Lunch Formula: 12:00 to 14:00
Protein 25%
Fat 15%
Fiber (greens and vegetables) up to 60%
The Perfect Dinner Formula: 5pm to 6pm
Carbohydrates up to 75%
Fats up to 15%
Protein up to 10%
And remember that food is what we are made of. This is our internal and external state, feelings of comfort and discomfort. Eat regularly and variedly. The last meal should be as light as possible, but nutritious. Don’t let food rule you.