Extreme or stressful situations are a set of conditions and circumstances that go beyond the ordinary. They “want” a person to mobilize mental and physical resources. Threat signals lead to an increase in human activity, and if this activity does not bring the expected improvement, we are absorbed by negative emotions of varying strength. The
Longing for home is a natural human reaction, even when the decision to leave home has been considered. But this feeling is amplified a hundred times if it is forced. We tell how to deal with difficult emotions. Being safe is the best solution, because life is the highest value. Some recommendations from psychologists can
We rent places, circles of communication, organizations. It’s hard for us. But time is such that you need to support each other, regardless of views or place of residence. We find ourselves in such a situation that we just need to be able to establish contacts with strangers. For some it is just fun, and
How to choose the right “Monday” for sports, when it is easiest to start training, whether it is possible to lose weight before the summer, what to eat before and after training and how the time of day affects the effectiveness of sports – says Smartass founder. How to choose the right “Monday” for sports?
We have already written about what flashbacks are and why they appear in our minds. Today we will talk about what to do if flashbacks appear and how to minimize them in your life. How to overcome flashbacks? During flashback Memories can be very horrible. Everyone is different, but here are some methods you can
Flashbacks usually occur suddenly, without warning. These are vivid memories of the traumatic events that seem to be happening now. You can re-feel what you saw, heard, felt, and your body’s reactions to them, such as rapid heartbeat. They can last from seconds to hours. What do flashbacks look like? Different people have different memories
Rest is important, rest is important, rest is important … This phrase, in my opinion, does not help at all. Why is quality rest so important? Nutritionist tells in the language of hormones. Remember: leisure is not a change of activity. Rest – a time of reduced physical and / or mental activity, compared to
1. Learn to change your own assessment of situations. It is not the events themselves that have a great impact on mental health, but the importance given to them. 2. Act. Psychologist Stephen Hayes does not start working with patients until he has adjusted their sleep, activity and nutrition. Living without exercise is like injecting
Pay special attention to the physical and emotional state of the child. Due to stress, she may behave differently than on normal days. Help her relax. Iryna Harmash, a member of the International Federation of Functional Training and a speaker at international congresses, knows how to do this through the body. Extend your arms, clench