Discipline Our body is not a machine, it is not linear in reactions, but for now the best thing to help is rhythm. Rhythm and discipline. Still extremely important: Ration Even the available foods should be eaten in the usual rhythm to which you are accustomed in peacetime. It is desirable that breakfast, lunch, dinner
Stars, fitness trainers and influencers agree that you can maintain the beauty of your figure even at home, if you are not lazy to regularly (preferably daily) perform a set of effective exercises. The top three most effective include the following: Lath On straight arms or elbows, classic and lateral – any of the variations
On February 24, Russia attacked Ukraine and launched a full-scale war. The Russian army is ruthlessly destroying civilians, firing on homes, schools, hospitals and kindergartens. The whole world came to Ukraine’s defense. The actions of the Russian Federation are condemned not only by Western politicians and the world’s largest companies by imposing sanctions against the
Hysterics Signs: excessive arousal and many movements; language is emotionally rich and fast; screams and sobs How to help: – Get rid of the audience and create a calm atmosphere. You need to be alone with the victim if it is safe for you. Take an unexpected action that can be very surprising (for example,
How to deal with anxiety and, importantly, how to defeat it: says psychologist, trainer, expert in the psychology of communication. Good news Physiologically, anxiety releases adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol. They trigger a reaction: fight danger or run away. Signals of readiness for decisive action enter the body: breathing quickens, the heart begins to beat faster,
If you usually turn off the alarm several times in the morning before pushing yourself into the shower, instead of vigorously jumping out of bed, feeling ready to meet a new day, you can hardly call yourself a lark. Strong differences between circadian rhythms complicate the process of early sleep and early awakening. There are