Retinol is a form of vitamin A that acts as an antioxidant in our body, supports immunity and visual acuity. However, its real value lies in the fact that thanks to the active molecule in the composition of retinol, it has the ability to penetrate deeply into the epidermis at the cellular level and have
Our obsession with beauty rituals has definitely grown over the past five years. Agree, our personal “beauty rooms” are full of serums, balms, tissue masks and creams. It would seem that thanks to the available public information from cosmetologists, dermatologists and beauty influencers, we know everything about competent skin care. We know how to find
Today, even ardent fans of tanning abandon it in favor of snow-white, as if translucent, skin. This effect can be achieved using homemade masks or special products for this purpose, which are created by beauty manufacturers. You choose! If you decide to use a homemade mask, remember the main whitening products that will make your
Once upon a time, it was believed that pigmentation is caused by photoaging of the skin and it occurs only in women 40+. Today, girls of different age categories, starting from 18 years old, face this phenomenon. What is actually the reason for the appearance of age spots? Candidate of Medical Sciences and a specialist
It is no secret that beauty depends on the health of the skin. It is the skin that is the mirror of our health, which reflects everything: both poor sleep and lack of vitamins and fresh air. Therefore, the care, especially for sensitive skin, should be thought out to the smallest detail, and the approach
A favorite beauty product of Polynesians – coconut oil, has long been indispensable in the kitchen and on the dressing table. On the eve of the summer season, buying a large bottle of coconut oil that will make a perfect tan is a great idea. And here’s why: dermatologists claim that coconut oil has a
In summer, the problem of bags under the eyes worsens. Due to heat, dry air, allergies, the face looks more tired than usual. Bags under the eyes can appear for other reasons: genetics, poor sleep, depression, hormonal failure and more. First of all, we recommend that you consult an ENT or allergist. If the problem